Join us in December for two great Webinars from Be Well Illinois!
Being a Better Listener, 12/4/2024 @ Noon
Statistics show that people remember only half of what they hear, even moments after they’ve heard it. Surprising? The fact is that while most of us like to think we’re good listeners, almost everyone needs to improve their listening skills. This workshop offers a fresh approach to this common problem.
Register online HERE.
Learning to Relax, 12/18/24 @ Noon
Stress is experienced in the body as tension. To manage stress we have several choices: reduce or eliminate the stressor, think about the stressor differently so it no longer causes tension or change the way our body reacts to stress. The course will address the third option through exploring a variety of relaxation techniques to calm the body and mind. The class will allow participants to learn and experience several simple relaxation tools such as progressive muscle relaxation, abdominal relaxation breathing and visualization.
Register today HERE.
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920